Fable wallpaper 01

Fable wallpaper 01
Fable pic 1

Fable 2: Wallpaper 01

Fable 2: Wallpaper 01
Fable 2 pic 1

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Hello again had college of past week so didn't update. Had a good week although it could have been better than it was. Was playing Fable 2 of course found the last of the gargoyles just got to go to gargoyle lair and open final chest now. Well probably post again soon see you!!!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

I have just recently added links to several pages relating to Fable and Fable 2 to find out more about the games visit some of these links.
I started college in August last year, I am doing NQ Computing and I will be doing HNC next year. I have chose to do this blog on Fable because it is one of my favourite games. I don't really get much time to play it except for when I am off work and college.